


8.1 模型和规划

模型:指的是一个智能体可以用来预测环境对其动作的反应的工具。给定一个状态和一个动作,模型就会产生_后继状态和下一个收益的预测_ 。

  • 分布模型:描述了各种状态转移以及奖励反馈的概率,也就是提供了具体的分布$p(s’,r | s, a ) $。
  • 采样模型:基于概率产生一种随机结果。

分布模型比采样模型更强大,因为它们可以用来生成采样模型。 然而在许多场景下,获得采样模型会比获得分布模型容易得多。

规划(Planning)方法和后面要提到的学习(Learning)方法核心思想都一样:通过反向更新来估计价值函数。区别仅在于,前者通过 model 生成模拟经验数据,而后者直接与环境交互,生成真实经验数据。

8.2 Dyna-Q:集成在一起的规划、动作和学习


  • Experience. 实际经验可以用于改进模型(模型学习);也能用于直接改进价值函数和策略(直接强化学习)
  • Model. 模型,对环境的模拟
  • Value/policy. 价值函数和策略


  • 规划采用了随机单步表格型 Q-learning
  • 学习采用了单步表格型 Q-learning


8.2.1 例8.1 Dyna迷宫

为什么带规划的智能体比无规划的智能体更快找到解决方案?如果没有规划 (n=0) ,则每一幕只会给策略学习增加一次学习机会,即智能体仅仅在一个特定时刻(该幕最后一个时刻)进行了学习。而有规划的时候,虽然在第一幕中仍然只有一步的学习,但是到第二幕时,可以学出一个宽泛的策略,于是不用等到这一幕结束就可以做多次回溯更新计算。

8.2.2 代码实现

class QLearningAgent(BaseAgent):
    def __init__(self, run_episode_fn=run_qlearning_episode, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(run_episode_fn=run_qlearning_episode, **kwargs)

    def update(self, state, action, reward, next_state):
        """ Q learning update to the policy -- eq 6.8 """

        q_t0 = self.get_q_value(state, action)
        q_t1 = self.get_value(next_state)

        # q learning update per eq 6.8 -- greedy policy after the current step
        new_value = q_t0 + self.alpha * (reward + self.discount * q_t1 - q_t0)

        # perform update
        self.q_values[(state, action)] = new_value

        self.num_updates += 1

        return new_value

class DynaQAgent(QLearningAgent):
    """ Tabular Dyna-Q algorithm per Section 8.2 """
    def __init__(self, n_planning_steps, **kwargs):
        self.n_planning_steps = n_planning_steps

    def reset(self):
        self.model = {}

    def sample_model(self):
        # sample state
        past_states = [k[0] for k in self.model.keys()]
        sampled_state = past_states[np.random.choice(len(past_states))]
        # sample action, previously taken from the sampled state
        past_actions = [k[1] for k in self.model.keys() if k[0] == sampled_state]
        sampled_action = past_actions[np.random.choice(len(past_actions))]
        # model assumes deterministic environment so no need to sample from the (R,S') pair under model(S,A)
        reward, next_state = self.model[(sampled_state, sampled_action)][1]
        return sampled_state, sampled_action, reward, next_state

    def update(self, state, action, reward, next_state):
        """ Execute the Q-learning off-policy algorithm in Section 6.5 with Dyna-Q model update/planning in Section 8.2 """

        # perform q-learning update (Section 8.2 - Tabular Dyna-Q algorithm line (d))
        super().update(state, action, reward, next_state)  # note this is stepping the num_updates counter

        # update model (Sec 8.2 - Dyna-Q line (e))
        # model assumes deterministic environment
        self.model[(state, action)] = self.num_updates, (reward, next_state)

        # perform planning (Sec 8.2 - Dyna-Q line(f))
        # Loop repeat n times for the n_planning_steps
        for i in range(self.n_planning_steps):
            # sample randomly previously observed state (S) and sample randomly action previously taken at S
            super().update(*self.sample_model())  # update q_values with the planning sample

        self.mdp.step()      # keep track of mdp number of update steps to change the mdp dynamically per example 8.2 blocking maze

8.3 模型错误的时候


8.3.1 例8.3 捷径迷宫

Dyna-Q+算法会对每一个”状态-动作”二元组进行跟踪,记录它自上一次在与环境进行真实交互时出现以来,已经过了多少时刻。时间越长,我们就越有理由推测这个二元组相关的环境动态特性会产生变化,也就是它的模型是不正确的。 对于长期未出现过的动作,会设置”额外收益”。
如果模型对单步转移的收益是 r , 而这个转移在τ时刻内没有在真实环境尝试,那么在规划更新时就会采用如下收益:
$R = r + k \sqrt{τ}$

8.3.2 代码实现

class DynaQPlusAgent(DynaQAgent):
    """ Dyna-Q+ algorithm per Section 8.3 and footnote 1 """
    def __init__(self, k, **kwargs):
        self.k = k      # scale multiplier tying reward and timesteps: reward + k*sqrt(time delta)

    def sample_model(self):
        # Sec 8.3 + footnote 1:agent changed in the following ways:
        # 1. actions that have never been tried before from a state are allowed to be considered
        # 2. initial model for such actions is that they lead back to the same state with a reward of zero
        # 3. 'bonus reward' for long-untried actions -- planning updates done with new_reward = reward + k * sqrt(time delta)

        # sample a state
        past_states = [k[0] for k in self.model.keys()]
        sampled_state = past_states[np.random.choice(len(past_states))]

        # sample action from all possible action
        # 1. actions that have never been tried before from a state are allowed to be considered
        possible_actions = self.mdp.get_possible_actions(sampled_state)
        past_actions = [k[1] for k in self.model.keys() if k[0] == sampled_state]
        sampled_action = possible_actions[np.random.choice(len(possible_actions))]
        if sampled_action not in past_actions:
            # 2. initial model for such actions is that they lead back to the same state with a reward of zero
            reward = 0
            next_state = sampled_state
            # since this state-action has never been tried, add it to the model
            self.model[(sampled_state, sampled_action)] = self.num_updates, (reward, next_state)
            # model assumes deterministic environment so no need to sample from the (R,S') pair under model(S,A)
            t_last_update, (reward, next_state) = self.model[(sampled_state, sampled_action)]
            # 3. 'bonus reward' for long-untried actions -- planning updates done with new_reward = reward + k * sqrt(time delta)
            reward += self.k * np.sqrt(self.num_updates - t_last_update)
        return sampled_state, sampled_action, reward, next_state

增加探索意味着 Dyna-Q+ 比 Dyna-Q 更快地找到最优策略。 Dyna-Q 可能会找到一条有效但不是最优的轨迹,然后必须等待很长时间才能采取足够的探索性行动来找到最优策略。

Dyna-Q+ 将采取次优行动以进行探索(当 τ 变大时)。 Dyna-Q 不会这样做,因此具有更好的渐近性能。

8.4 优先遍历


IDEA:如果能够在规划过程中,更有针对性地优先考虑那些 value 发生过较明显改变的状态,便能提升规划学习的效率。如果这些动作的价值被更新,则它们的前导状态的价值也会依次改变

4.1 代码实现

class PrioritizedSweepingAgent(QLearningAgent):
    def __init__(self, n_planning_steps, theta, **kwargs):
        self.n_planning_steps = n_planning_steps
        self.theta = theta  # the minimum magnitude of q_value update to be performed

    def reset(self):
        self.model = {}
        self.pq = PriorityQueue()
        self.predecessors = defaultdict(set)

    def _update_predecessors(self, state, action, next_state):
        # add predecessors as a set of (state, action) tuples
        self.predecessors[next_state].add((state, action))

    def update(self, state, action, reward, next_state):
        """ Execute the Q-learning off-policy algorithm in Section 6.5 with
        Prioritized Sweeping model update/planning in Section 8.4 """

        # update model (Sec 8.4 - line (d))
        # model assumes deterministic environment
        self.model[(state, action)] = (reward, next_state)
        # keep track of predecessors for the pq loop below
        self._update_predecessors(state, action, next_state)

        # compute q value proposed update and update priority queue (Sec 8.4 - line (e-f))
        proposed_update = reward + self.discount * self.get_value(next_state) - self.get_q_value(state, action)
        if abs(proposed_update) > self.theta:
            self.pq.push((state,action), -abs(proposed_update))

        # loop over n_planning steps while pq is not empty (Sec 8.4 - line(g)
        for i in range(self.n_planning_steps):
            if self.pq.is_empty():

            # pop best update from queue and transition from model
            state, action = self.pq.pop()
            reward, next_state = self.model[(state, action)]

            # update q values for this state-action pair
            super().update(state, action, reward, next_state)

            # loop for all S', A' predicted to lead to the above state
            for s, a in self.predecessors[state]:
                # get predicted reward from the predecessor leading to `state`
                r, _ = self.model[(s, a)]
                # calculate the proposed update to (s,a)
                proposed_update = r + self.discount * self.get_value(state) - self.get_q_value(s, a)
                # add to priority queue if greater than min threshold
                if abs(proposed_update) > self.theta:
                    self.pq.push((s,a), -abs(proposed_update))

8.5 期望更新与采样更新

前面的 Dyna-Q 算法中,更新方法是采样更新 ,也就是选取某一个具体的样本来更新价值函数,与其对应地,就是期望更新,对下一步所有可能的动作都遍历一次,按概率分布取得期望后更新价值函数。


  • 期望更新

$Q(s, a) = \sum_{s’, r}^{}\hat{p}(s’, r|s,a)[r+\gamma \mathop{max}\limits_{a’}Q(s’,a’)]$

  • 采样更新

$Q(s, a) = Q(s, a) + \alpha [R+\gamma \mathop{max}\limits_{a’}Q(s’,a’) - Q(s, a)]$

  • 如果没有模型,那么无法使用期望更新 ,只能和环境交互,做采样更新。
  • 如果有模型,期望更新的估计准确性更高,避免了采样误差,而采样更新的运算量则会很小,速度快。对于一个给定的二元组s,a,b是分支因子,则这个二元组的期望更新需要的计算量大约是采样更新的b 倍。

8.6 轨迹采样


8.7 决策时规划


  • 从环境模型生成模拟经验,并以此为基础逐步改进策略或价值函数。规划不仅聚焦于当前状态,还要预先在后台处理其他的多个状态,也称后台规划
  • 每遇到一个新状态,才开始规划,直接选出当前状态下的最优策略,这里的规划聚焦于特定状态,也就是决策时规划


8.7.1 启发式搜索


8.7.2 预演算法

预演(rollout) 算法是一种基于MC控制的决策时规划算法,在仿真轨迹层面上进行更新学习。rollout算法利用MC采样得到很多从当前状态开始的仿真轨迹(当前状态下有多个动作,因此对于每个动作都会得到一些仿真的轨迹),然后分别用这些轨迹回报的均值来估计每个动作的值。当这个估计值足够准确了,规划算法会执行具有最高估计值的动作。

  • MC 中,采样的目的是估计一个完整的,最优动作价值函数。MC是用于学习,所以我们要估计出所有状态动作的值函数,然后才能找到一个最优策略。
  • rollout 中,目标不是估计完整的最优动作价值函数q*,用于规划的,而且是决策时规划。对于这种规划,我们只在当前状态下搜索所有可能的plan,然后选择最有利的,因此就只侧重于当前状态周围的动作价值函数的值。
